Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Do's, Don'ts, Wills, and Won'ts

Don't write with the goal of profundity, you'll be found lacking. Hemingway's advice was to sit at your typewriter and bleed, but I've always tried to burn.  And by that, don't just write about how you've been hurt, and play the writer as victim. It's not that interesting. Write about the shitty things you've done to others. You know, the way you've shorthanded people that didn't deserve it, and the way you justified why you did it? Stop making excuses and admit to them, and then give those deeds to your antagonist. You'll end up with a bad guy that did the same asshole things you did, and maybe he/she won't be quite as bad.  You'll end up with a villain that's a little more human, and as a side effect, you'll probably find yourself apologizing for all of those things you forgot you did. That reminds me, I have some calls to make. Till tomorrow, loves. -Joe

Novel:882 new words added to it. At least some of which I'll probably keep.

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